Sunday, September 29, 2013

Love, Insanity and Nightmares

  I wanted to live a dream- the dream. Nice house, wonderful kids and adorable husband. I never wanted to be in a situation where I am now. Separated, 2 failed relationships and managing cancer. My recent relationship was a life lesson learned. We met at work. Charming as he was, good looking and seems to be intelligent. He was also funny, so that kinda took the cake. So we started seeing each other and I guess I fell in-love with this man, and before I knew it, he was living in my house. 


  It was fun for a while , he was funny, sensible, we talked a lot about things, different topics, dreams... Until police show up at the house looking for a "fake name" that embodied his description. I let that pass. Then we had our first fight. Apparently he didn't like people raising their voice at him ( but he can, at you). So he took a knife from the kitchen and held it to my throat telling me "never to raise my voice to him". In hindsight, I should have ended the relationship that time. 
  Then after, there was a woman that called him up Christmas eve, (our first Christmas together). The next day he takes off and comes back with goodies. A phone, shirts and a branded backpack. I asked him where it came from, he said from his aunt from "abroad". Later that week he forgets his phone and a girl calls, claims to be his girl friend. Of course I was a bit confused and infuriated but calmly asked her who she is because, the man she claims to be her boyfriend is living in my house and is calling me his wife. She said, "he told me, you are old and ugly and he is leaving you" . So I said, OK then I will tell him to be with you when he comes back. And ended the conversation. When he came back, I confronted him and he said he will give her everything back and break up with her, which he did. In hindsight, I should've ended the relationship that time. There were selfish things he did. Not giving his share of the expenses, food, electricity, rent, etc.. I had a job, a stable one, so I let that pass. I talked to him about that so he said he will go and do his share. But after a month or two, he would go back to his old selfish ways. 
And then there was "his dream". To become a famous rapper in the Philippines to start and then go international. Well it started when an agent spotted me in the jeepney on my way to work. He gave me his card and wanted me to see a "manager". So, because I love him and wanted him to have the same opportunity, I asked him to come with me, so I can introduce him to the manager. Long story short , the manager took us on. But in the end it didn't work out in the end. After that he pursued his "dream". Spent more time and focus on that. It turned out , he was the kind of person that valued his friends more than his family or valued people who currently give him the feeling of euphoria. But it didn't end there, he also put his needs first more than anybody. 

The river in Egypt - Denial

  I don't this to sound cliche but I did love a man that was destructive. Maybe I am one of those women who fall for the "bad boy" image, but I didn't want him to be a "real" bad boy! Oh, he had a temper alright. Don't get me wrong, except for the "knife-to-my-throat" incident, he hasn't laid a hand on me. But he did with furniture, things and anything he can direct his anger upon. Seems like a normal fight for a lot of wives, partners... no one really gets physically hurt. But I realized, that not being psychically hurt doesn't mean it's OK. He said things that were insulting, degrading , hurtful and threatening. 
  When I was scared for my life once, when we had a fight, I ran out the door.. he called me " stupid and a bad mother for running out of the house and leaving my sleeping child in there with him. 
  He called me stupid all the time, for being kind, for being sensible, for being right. 
When I was diagnosed with cancer ( a tumor on my left thigh), I didn't have a job, so I had to sell my car for the operation. He blamed me for getting sick because we had to sell the car. His status symbol. He didn't spend a dime for doctor's fees and operation to take out the tumor. He didn't even have the patience to stay in the hospital with me. In hindsight, I should've ended  the relationship then.
   So because he is unreliable with responsibilities, against the doctor's orders, with stitches still fresh, I went to find a job. With my fold-able cane handy, I went to Makati, (Manila's business district)  Alabang (South of Manila) , Quezon City (Metro Manila) which is about an hour's bus ride to find a job. And thank God I did, but we had to move out of a nice neighborhood. I paid for the rent again..and everything else. Oh yes, he did take on the responsibility of paying for electricity out of all the expenses. Once in a while he did pay for it. Most of the time , if the bill was 5 thousand , he'd give me 3 thousand and expect me to chip-in the rest. Which was almost always the case. 
  The year I had my operation, even though he had a job, my 12 year old daughter had to stop going to school. He did not help me try to get her back in school at all. He came home one day, with a game consul, speaker system and a TV worth about 30 thousand. I was appalled because he had money but of course, he saved that for himself. This was 7 years into this relationship. My daughter had to sacrifice a year of school and he had his gaming system set up. 
  The resentment kept building up. My illness recurred, but I kept on working. Can you blame me? I cannot rely of this man to keep things together. I've seen it and lived it. I rode the bus everyday with the tumor growing, getting uncomfortable for me to sit at work, in the bus or van to get home. Not to mention the excruciating pain! 
  When I do have pain, he wasn't there to comfort me. Even if he heard my cries. All I had was my children. When it came to the point that I really needed to find a way to be well and get rid of this growth. I went to a doctor and he told me I had to go through radiation treatment and chemotherapy. 
I knew I needed this to be done in order for my kids to have a mother beside them when they needed me. I wouldn't certainly leave them with this man??
  So I did what I could, wrote letters, asked for help from friends to fund my treatment. And thanks to friends and family I got through the treatments. But in that whole ordeal, he wasn't there. I had to lie to hospital staff that I was single, didn't have a man, because 100% of all the patients in treatment had some kind of family if not their husbands, boyfriends with them , beside them everyday of their treatment. 
  I was alone. 
  He would in passing ask me if I needed him to go with me, if I said yes, he would sleep through it, because he worked at night. But when friends call , he would spend money even without sleep, endure 4 hour bus rides to get to them. and I was alone. 
  And even in my condition, the verbal abuse didn't stop. He would say things like, "why don't you just die?" , " my friends would probably help out with the funeral" ... " I will smother you when you sleep".... it's like he expected me to die, but the sad thing about it is, it didn't seem like he was "gonna do something about it". It seemed like I was an inconvenience now, he openly said we ain't together anymore and it's not gonna work out, but kept living in my house, eating my food and wasting my electricity that I still paid for even if I was jobless!! 
  There came an opportunity for him to move out of the house, because his "friend" offered him a cushy job. So he ignored his regular stable job for this one. Asking me to lie for him with HR if they called me, asking why he wasn't working. So he had to move 4 hours away to get to this job that promised him eventual wealth if he stuck to it. I wouldn't say it's an ideal job but he wanted it. 
  Two weeks into it, he calls to convince me (being the selfish bastard that he is) to move back near my hometown so he can see his daughter. Even if I had to take care of bills , for rent, electricity, the home owners association's paper work, transfer my daughter (who is now back in school) to another one, and stop my treatments - just so he can be happy. It struck me, it's time for me to be happy and finally recover from this illness! So as lame and inappropriate as it was, I BROKE UP with him over the phone. I told him to go do what he needs to do and I will , what I need to do. He said it's not working out with us anyway.  But I think he lives vicariously through the lives of his friends, because if they have a family, then "we are his family" .If they buy a bike, he has to have one too! He even chose buying a bike over the kids having a small birthday party, paying the electric bill.  I felt like we were "disposable"! If his friends went out with family, he wanted us to go, to show up, looking happy and shit , when we are not! 
 So i thought I am rid of him. I won't have to walk on eggshells with him in the house, trying to be quiet, telling the kids to be quiet, lest he would throw a tantrum! 
 I wake up feeling free, didn't have to worry about what food to cook, he might complain about, didn't worry about making noise, watching what I want, and most especially not stressing on a person who I should be counting on but is virtually invisible in my life. But he calls one day demanding that I bring our daughter to where he is or he will kill my family or me! 
 I was so scared for my life that I really went to the police station and reported his threats. I was interviewed on the radio by a 'Tulfo" ( a family of media commentators and vigilantes), to talk about my legal rights to my daughter and what I can do to have him stop this. But the reason I did that is because he went to my house and started threatening my life in front of my children and my dad. Yeah, he was sly, he mouthed that he was "going to kill me" when my dad's back was turned. But basically, the kids were traumatized by this. But he didn't care about this! 

Nightmares - The aftermath

  Now my older daughter has recurring nightmares of us running away from him, him finding us and hearing my screams. My younger daughter has no idea what's going on, but she doesn't want to live with him. And no child deserves to! In the height of my fear for my life, I made a video saying if anything bad happened to me, or if I mysteriously disappeared, that he would be the main suspect. No other person would want me dead than him. 

Surprisingly, one early freaking morning, he went to the house, I didn't know whether to let him in or not. He claimed he wanted to give the kids "gifts" , he ended stayed for 2 days. Those seemed like weeks! I was not comfortable at all, my police contact was on my speed dial and texted him that if I didn't text him every 2 hours is to go check the house out. Clearly he doesn't belong with us anymore. 

The nightmares continue for me and my daughter, but eventually it will pass. The reality is I am not living that nightmare anymore. I am happy everyday! Not like before, I was very unhappy and even if he knew that, he wanted me to live with it. "It was my problem" as he says.  
Looking back I might as well give my self a medal, for trying, for enduring and for being there for my kids throughout my illness and dealing with him. 

 I look forward to a full recovery, walking without crutches and see my kids grow up and be happy. There is hope, as long as we live, there is hope. The only person that can change the situation is yourself! So make the necessary changes while you still have time to make them. 

 If anything I hope to reach some women out there who are in a similar situation. There is hope :) 

Peace and love

Monday, March 12, 2012

Manic Monday's in Makati

It's Monday again! Have to leave home at 6:30am in order to avoid the inevitable traffic jam in Makati! Although there are a whole lot of alternative routes and transportation, you still need to beat Makati Traffic at it's worst!
When you get to the office you are swarmed with work you have to finish the same day! Endless meetings where you don't have time to go to the bathroom or take your lunch break. Typically lunch is around 2:00pm or worse. I Just glad that my office mates always find humor in everything. One of the reasons why I go to work is not just to "bring home the bacon" but to also get a dose of laughter from the start of the day till "quitting time". Working in a digital marketing agency is fun but it's also stressful - reason why I need humor.
At the end of my day I walk to the terminal where I usually wait for my ride going home to Sta Rosa, Laguna. If I am lucky I will catch a ride in 10-15 minutes. But usually I stand in line for about (give or take) 30 minutes to 2 hours. Depending on the traffic enforcer " situation". You see the vans I ride are "illegal" so they are on the "down low" so-to-speak. If the traffic cops are around. They don't go nowhere. They let the passengers stand out in the open lot until they are ready. It ain't right huh? But people are so used to it no one cares to change anything. So as I stand in line, waiting for my van to be "OK" to go. I am not going anywhere! Hahaha. It's funny how some situations are repetitive even when they ate annoying Pinoys put up with it. Accept it as part of life. There is a good and bad side to that. But I leave you the floor to comment on this.

Friday, January 8, 2010

PackMan Pacquiao ain't 100% Champion yet....

I dont care what you say, Manny Pacquiao is not the undisputed boxer of the world until he woops a "brother's black ass" .
Yeah he can "assume" or claim that Mayweather is scared sh1t but .. I don't know... he should fight the fool so he CAN prove once, and for all that he indeed is unbeatable!

Don't get me wrong, I am proud that Filipinos dominates the world boxing scene these days, but I am not fully convinced that Manny has to prove himself to a whole lot of people.
I am sure that is what the world is thinking, the Philippines might feel strongly about taking our champion's side but the Philippines is NOT the world.

Ali fought the best of them, all kinds all races.. he proved that, our champion needs to step up, forget the money, forget the principle and get up there and woop Mayweather's ass! Otherwise who is the "real" chicken in this bitch??? lol

Monday, December 28, 2009

Married with no contract

How are we supposed to commit to a relationship that is uncertain of its own path?
"I am married" we say but when was the wedding?
Call me old fashioned but these situations can be a blessing and a curse
A blessing when you don't have to think about the laws that bind you together
if ever you wanna GET OUT
A curse because you constantly are in limbo as to your real civil status
you have a babies together which by law is considered "bastards"
That alone is therapy waiting to happen for the kids
they say that "the best thing a father can do for their children is LOVE their mother"
I guess not all men contemplate on that statement
I know there are a few out there that appreciate their wives (if they are employed)
I am starting to see the real picture now
the reality of the role of women in the world
We have to be SUPER WOMEN to get some kind of appreciation
you gotta know how to cook for your family
you gotta be clean (the house and yourself hygiene)
you gotta be a whore in the bed and a princess in public
you gotta be your husband's shrink
you gotta be his nurse
you gotta be his cheering squad
you gotta be his fan
you gotta be his mom
you gotta be his friend
you gotta know where everything is (or else heaven help me you'll hear hurtful words)
you gotta take care of his clothes
you gotta know what he likes
you gotta buy him things he appreciates
you gotta be OK with what money he gives you and not SAY ANYTHING about it
you gotta be the woman that is OK with his friends
you gotta be OK with his booze
you gotta be OK with his drugs
you gotta be OK if he fools around once in while (he still goes home to you)
amidst all of that you still have to
budget the finances
make sure the bills are paid
go out and pay the bills
grocery shopping
help with homework
make sure the kids are healthy
make sure the kids are eating right
make sure they kids are learning in school
make sure you keep up with each kids progress
make sure you take care of them
make sure you have a job to help with the finances
make sure you do your share
make sure you take care of the baby
feed, teach, change diapers, put to sleep, bathe.. blah blah blah...
oh this is classic man script:
"I don't cheat and go to bars, I don't go drinking with the boys all the time" you should be grateful!
Fuck that! I remained faithful, I don't have a vice, I always put you first!
If you can't handle that, then leave!
I can do all of that with or without you! And I wont have to put up with your hurtful words!
Its a curse to be bound to all of this bullshit
Its a blessing that you can get out when you can..
Do not stand for abuse,man or woman.. when there is no respect anymore.. there is no love either.. marriage is a commitment , bound by the words and acts of two consenting adults.. whether you have a contract or not.. marriage is only valid if you consummated with the act of announcing this and declaring it amongst loved ones... God will always know your commitment.. the ACT of reassuring loved ones you'll stick it out is a miraculous thing.

/heven7 12282009

Running around in circles

Where am I going? I ask my self
I've decided to win this war, I've decided to win
got tired of running around in circles
getting dizzy with this spin!

Tired of tippy-toeing through landmines
strategically placed
where I am wired to step on 'em
where I am in the midst of waste

I've decided to press on
fight the good fight
determined to leave behind
the feel of pain, pride and spite

I have whats left of my jewels
in my heart and mind
enough to give me strength
that I always lose and find

a good man appreciates a woman who's wise
strong, determined and not to be despised
a woman who means well but unrewarded
yelled at called sometimes stupid , thwarted

how many times should I accept an apology?
In this life time and life history
running around in circles never learning the test
back's broken, breath is shallow, needing rest

You know you're in the presence of royalty
and do not deserve your mediocrity
maybe that's why you try to put me down
unconsciously beating me .. churn and wound

I've decided to win this war
I've decided to claim victory
leaving behind the memories
of my 8 years of misery

/heven7 122809